May 22, 2016

Making disciples from all nations

Preacher: Gary S. Series: Discipleship Topic: Discipleship Scripture: Matthew 28:18–20

Unfortunately we do not have a recording for this sermon. We apologize for the inconvenience!


Making disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus has commissioned the church to make disciples from all nations, so we each have a part

Discipleship is becoming like Jesus Christ in our heart, mind, and actions.

1) What do these texts say is the task of the church until Jesus returns?
Matthew 28:18–20, Matthew 24:14, Luke 24:46–48, Acts 1:6–8

2) What do these texts say about God’s heart for the nations?
Genesis 12:1–3, Psalm 67:1–2, Psalm 46:9–10, Psalm 96:2–3, Isaiah 49:6, , Malachi 1:11, Revelation 15:4, Revelation 5:9.

3) Some object that we have so many needs in our own community. How can we possibly be involved with making disciples in other nations? Do you agree or disagree? Answer this objection. Include in your answer the issue of access to the gospel.

4) Is making disciples from the nations only for the professional missionaries? Why or why not? (See Acts 8:1-4, for example).

5) What are ways we can have a part in making disciples from all nations? Consider these suggestions. Comment. Share other ideas.

Learn. Take Perspectives. Read missionary bios. Read one or more of our missionary’s newsletters or blogs. Grab some of the missions resources we have at the Info Center. Learn about UPG’S – Joshua Project. Operation World. Global Prayer Digest

Pray. This is the one way we can all participate. Discuss how Matthew 9:37–38 instructs us to pray and what the results will be. Pray our missionaries. Pray for disciple-making movements among unreached peoples. Pray

Go. We are blessed to be a blessing. How can we bless our local community and the nations? LT or ST missions. Whatever you’re good at, do it well for the glory of God, and do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God. Give God a blank check.

Send. Give to ST and LT missions. Encourage a mission worker by letter, email, Facebook, or skype. Send birthday cards, care packages. Connect with mission workers when they’re home socially or by meeting practical needs. Encourage people you disciple (your children, in your ministry groups) to think missionally about their lives, both locally and globally.

Welcome. SUSA (Basque students). Reaching out to your international neighbors and co-workers. FOCUS (friends of overseas citizens and university students) Friday nights at First Baptist in Portland.

Mobilize. Join our Missions Team. Our missions Team coordinates Harvest’s mercy and missions focus, plans and activities. If you’ve taken Perspectives, help with an upcoming class.

6) How can you be a part of making disciples for Jesus from the nations?

other sermons in this series

May 15


May 8


What is discipleship?

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1 Series: Discipleship

May 1


Why discipleship?

Preacher: Gary S. Scripture: Matthew 28:16–20 Series: Discipleship