Church Community & Bible Studies

Groups meet for various purposes and durations, whether for prayer, study, conversation, service, or recreation. Examples of ways to serve include helping with children’s ministry, youth, music, work projects, hosting groups, local outreach and global missions, social and food events, and various tasks that support our Sunday gatherings.

We look forward to knowing you, growing, and serving with you as we share Christ’s love!


Community Groups

At Harvest we value authentic, Christ-centered community. Our community groups are smaller gatherings of people from our church who meet consistently to cultivate our love for God and for others. We do this through committing to Gather, Grow, and Go together. 

Interested in community groups? We'd love for you to participate in Harvest Basics or our next Harvest Life group first so you can gain a foundational understanding of who we are as a church, as well as have an opportunity to get to know our staff and elders.

Click here to see what groups are available to join!


Harvest Life

Harvest Life is an interactive introductory small group where people who have been at Harvest for any length of time and are in any walk of life gather together for 9 weeks and get to know each other and get to know Harvest. Each evening will be both intentionally relational and focus on discussion-based teaching that communicates what we believe and why, and who Harvest is within the body of Christ. We would love for everyone at Harvest to go through this eventually, and we especially encourage those who are new to sign up because it’s a great way for you to get to know Harvest and for us to get to know you! Contact the office or talk to anyone on staff if you have questions or are interested.


Bible studies

Men's Bible study
Contact the church office for information about current studies.

Women's Bible study
Contact the church office for information about current studies.
