We hope this directory proves beneficial for community and encouragement in the body of Christ at Harvest!
In order to keep everyone's information confidential and secure, our directory is by invitation and opt-in only. Once invited, you'll be able to opt in and select which information you'd like to share with people. If you have been attending regularly and would like to be invited, please email the office at office@harvestcc.info.
Click here to view the directory!
To download the app, CLICK HERE for Apple and HERE for Android. It's called the "Church Center" app. To access it on a web browser, you can go to harvestchurchcamas.churchcenter.com/directory
If you are giving online, this may look familiar! It's the same "Church Center" platform, and you can click over to the "directory" option on the bottom menu bar to view it. If you use a web browser and not the app, the same is true but the menu is at the top.