What is Missions?

"Missions" is an integral part of who we are as a church at Harvest and the body of Christ. But what is it and why does it matter to us?

Missions is...
God, through His church, sends His servants into the world to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel, making disciples who will obey all that Jesus has commanded (Matthew 9:35-38; 24:14; 28:19-20; Luke 10:25-27; 24:45-47; John 20:21; Romans 15:20-21).


Who in the world still needs to hear about Jesus? This video answers that question:


The following video talks about 6 ways that any Christian, no matter who you are or where you live, can be involved in Missions:


Click on each of the links for a more detailed video on each of the 6 ways:



3. GO





Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Experience God’s heart for all peoples and encounter the momentum of the world Christian movement. Perspectives brings fresh knowledge of God’s unchanging purposes and why they’re relevant to your life.  Perspectives provides a unique opportunity to understand God's intentions and actions in the world, in a dynamic and internationally acclaimed 15-week study program.

Join thousands of believers on an epic journey into God’s story! See the links below to see classes available in our area:

Perspecgtive Logo White

Click here for more information about the Perspectives course or to register for the next local class.



Mission Connexion

Mission Connexion is a fantastic annual two-day missions conference in January at Rolling Hills Community Church in Tualatin with speakers, workshops, exhibits, and resources. Admission is free, but space is limited so online pre-registration is required! Check out the website at www.missionconnexion.com.

If you were unable to attend Mission Connexion this year or would like to revisit some of the speakers or workshops you heard, CLICK HERE for a link to the recordings!



Global Prayer Resources

Operation World - the definitive prayer guide to every nation. Click here.

Joshua Project - a prayer opportunity to Pray for Unreached People Group.  Click the link below: