
Click here for Family/Children specific resources.

Click here to go to our "Messages" page where you can find past messages as well as current online messages. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Current Sermon Series Resources

Check out the resources below for further study in our current Sunday morning series:


The Bible Project: Book of Philippians


Philippians for You by Steven J. Lawson

Podcasts & Sermons

John Piper on Philippians, Part 1

John Piper on Philippians, Part 2

Study Guides for Digging Deeper

The Gospel Coalition: Introduction to Philippians

The Gospel Coalition: Knowing the Bible: Philippians

Bible Reading Plans & Memorization

It is good for those in the church body to read God's Word regularly. We encourage you to find a partner or group to read through the Bible with this year: your spouse, a friend, community group. We hope and pray that you will be encouraged and enriched as you read Scripture together and know God deeper.

Click here to read an article by Ron Frost about Bible Read-throughs.

The following are some reading plan options: 

 Read Scripture/The Bible Project: following the story of the Bible a few chapters each day, as well as one Psalm per day to pray through. Since it’s easy to get lost or overwhelmed, each day you come to a new biblical book, there is a short animated video on YouTube about its design and message and what to look for as you read.

Professor Grant Horner's Bible reading system: if you're looking for a good challenge, this read-through has you reading 10 chapters each day, one from each of the ten lists from different areas in Scripture. Every year you’ll read through all the Gospels four times, the Pentateuch twice, Paul’s letters 4-5 times each, the OT wisdom literature six times, all the Psalms at least twice, all the Proverbs as well as Acts a dozen times, and through the OT History and Prophetic books about 1 ½ times. Since the interweaving is constantly changing, you will experience the Bible commenting on itself in constantly changing ways.

In the following video, Francis Chan talks about why it is so valuable that people read the Word of God:

Bible memory phone app

Click here to go to the website or download the app on your phone.

Reading & tools for learning

The Bible Project

The Bible Project is a fantastic free resource for anyone to use, no matter if you know the Bible really well or have never read it before. Based in Portland, this team creates videos about all sorts of things: books of the Bible, words used in the Bible, themes, and types of literature in the Bible: all for the purpose of being "committed to helping the whole world see the Bible as one unified story that leads to Jesus" (their mission statement). These videos and study guides can be used individually or in groups! Check out the video below for further explanation and explore their website at for their vast library of tools and videos. 

The Bible Project has weekly emails aimed to encourage believers with truth during this time. Click here to sign up for their weekly "church at home" emails or click here to check out their many other resources and videos to supplement your Bible reading!

They are also offering free online Bible courses. Click here to check them out.

New City CatechismNew City Catechism

Throughout the history of the church, Christians have used catechisms--collections of questions and answers designed for memorization--to teach others the core doctrines of the faith. The New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at reintroducing this ancient method of teaching to Christians today. The short book lays out 52 questions and answers related to God, human nature, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and more. Whether used devotionally, recited orally, or memorized over the course of a year, families, churches, small groups, and Christian school will treasure it as a valuable tool for teaching the core doctrines of the Christian faith to children and adults alike.


Systematic Theology

Systematic theology

The Christian church has a long tradition of systematic theology, that is, studying theology and doctrine organized around fairly standard categories such as the Word of God, redemption, and Jesus Christ. This introduction to systematic theology has several distinctive features: - A strong emphasis on the scriptural basis for each doctrine and teaching - Clear writing, with technical terms kept to a minimum - A contemporary approach, treating subjects of special interest to the church today - A friendly tone, appealing to the emotions and the spirit as well as the intellect - Frequent application to life - Resources for worship with each chapter - Bibliographies with each chapter that cross-reference subjects to a wide range of other systematic theologies.







Below is a list of book recommendations if you're looking for something to read. Click on the title of the book for a link to purchase it!

If God is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil

If God is good

This is a long read (530 pages). But many of you have time you didn’t have before to read. It’s worth the time! Right now the kindle version is on sale at for $1.99!

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering

Walking with God through

Anything Timothy Keller writes is worth reading. This one is no exception. He is a pastor-theologian who knows how to communicate God’s unchanging truth in ways that are real and deeply moving to hearts and minds of this post-Christian, post-truth age.

Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith

Delighting in the Trinity

Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity. Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.
How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity. In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life that is from start to finish rooted in our triune God―Father, Son, and Spirit. Not only do we understand the person and work of Christ through the Trinity, but also prayer, the church and every aspect of our faith. With wit and clarity, Reeves draws from church history down to the present referencing a wide range of notable teachers and preachers. Here is a rich and enjoyable portrayal of the basic beliefs of Christianity that opens up the profound and life-changing truths of our faith. A must-read for every Christian!

The Story of John G. Paton or Thirty Years Among South Sea Cannibals

The story of John G. PatonSome of the best reading you can invest in as a Christian is reading missionary biographies. In his thrilling autobiography, John G. Paton relates his life spent as a missionary among the cannibal peoples of the South Sea Islands, and the education and development he helped bring to those remote isles.





knowing faithKnowing Faith Podcast by the Village Church
The Christian faith is not mindless or irrational. Knowing Faith is a podcast exploring how our faith is founded upon Scripture. We believe the Bible is for everyone and are committed to helping the Church understand where their faith is rooted. Hosted by Jen Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley, this podcast dives into Christian story, belief and practice in a way that is accessible to everyone.

Click here for Apple Podcast.
Click here for Spotify.


alisa childersThe Alisa Childers Podcast
Helping you answer Progressive Christianity and skeptical claims against the gospel from a biblical worldview.

Click here for Apple Podcast.
Click here for Spotify.


Global missionsGlobal Missions Podcast
A program for Christ-followers who want to participate more effectively in God’s work both at home and to the ends of the earth.

Click here for Apple Podcast.



bible projectBible Project Podcast
The creators of BibleProject have in-depth conversations about the Bible and theology. A companion podcast to BibleProject videos found at

Click here for Apple Podcast.
Click here for Spotify.


pour over.JPGThe Pour Over Podcast
Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. New episodes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Click here for Apple Podcast.
Click here for Spotify.

American Gospel video

American Gospel: a two-part series

Christ Alone (2018)

Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad.
This feature-length film is the first in a series.

Christ Crucified (2019)

The gospel message of "Christ crucified" has always been offensive. In our culture it is common for preachers to soften the offense of the cross, and the attributes of God that are displayed in the person of work of Jesus Christ. "American Gospel: Christ Crucified" explores how the paths of post-modernism and progressive Christianity lead to a different gospel, and a god created in our own image.

"But we preach Christ Crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness..." (1 Cor. 1:23)

- We often hear the phrase, “Jesus died for our sins.” What does that mean?
- Is the God of the Old Testament the same as the God in the New Testament?
- Did God the Father kill Jesus?
- Can a loving God also express wrath?
- Why is hell necessary?


Check them out and you're sure to receive a word of encouragement and challenge. Petunia June by Julianna Lawson- "A few of my rambling thoughts along the way . . . . Would you care to join me? I'll put the kettle on." Julianna is a gifted author, wife, and mother of 4 delightful children. Julianna is considered "family" here at Harvest. She and husband Jamie live with their brood in Vancouver. A Spreading Goodness by Ron Frost Ron is a supported missionary working with Barnabas Ministries in Portland. Ron is an inspired teacher, encouraging us all in Bible read-through -- check out his site to get started. The Gospel Coalition Blog TGC's blog features a community of voices who promote gospel-centered ministry for the next generation. They discuss the Bible, theology, church history, books, culture, and more so join in the conversation as they seek to glorify God in what we do and say.