God can use evil for good
Preacher: Gary S. Series: God Meant it for Good: a study of Joseph's life Scripture: Genesis 43–45
God meant it for good: a study in the life of Joseph
Genesis 43-45
God can use man’s evil for good
In his providence, God can use man’s evil to accomplish good
1) Jacob tells his sons to buy food but Judah says they can’t go without Benjamin, 43:1-10.
2) Jacob tells his sons to take Benjamin to the man and hopes for El Shaddai’s mercy, 43:11-14.
How do Jacob’s words in v. 14 reflect that he is trusting God more so than he has been?
3) The brothers go to Egypt, explain about the money, and go into Joseph’s house, 43:15-25.
4) Joseph joins them, they bow down, Benjamin receives more food than the rest. 43:26-34.
5) Joseph has his steward put their money in their bags and his cup in Benjamin’s bag, 44:1-5.
6) The steward exposes Benjamin with the cup and the brothers return to the city, 44:6-13.
7) Judah says they will all be Joseph’s slaves but he says only the cup thief will be, 44:14-17.
In what ways does Joseph’s testing of them by proposing to keep Benjamin and letting them go free reveal whether they have changed and can be trusted?
8) Judah pleads to stay as a slave instead of Benjamin so his father doesn’t suffer, 44:18-34.
What does Judah’s appeal for Benjamin reveal about the transformation of his heart? In what ways is his appeal a picture of what Jesus has done for us?
9) Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, saying that God sent him to preserve life, 45:1-8.
From what Joseph says in 45:5-6 and 7-8, how would you explain Joseph’s “theology” of the relationship between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility? How has Joseph’s theology impacted the way he deals with his brothers? How does what Christ did for us involve God using evil for good? What did God “send” Joseph to do? How does this fit into God’s plan of redemption?
10) Joseph tells his brothers to tell his dad that God has made him lord of Egypt, 45:9-15.
11) Pharaoh confirms Joseph’s invitation, offering the best of the land and wagons, 45:16-20.
12) The brothers go to Jacob, convince him Joseph is alive so he agrees to go to him, 45:21-28.
What are your “take aways” from this passage of the story of Joseph?
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