June 16, 2019

Make it your ambition...

Preacher: Greg G. Series: Missions at Harvest Topic: Missions Scripture: Romans 15:20–21, Romans 10:14–15

Pastor Greg references the following maps in his sermon:
UPG world
UPG India
UPG proportional
Pastor Greg shared some simple, helpful opportunities to learn more about missions.
  1. Watch the two videos on the missions page of our website (click here).
  2. Read a book about missions (a few suggestions are: "The Insanity of God" by Nik Ripkin, "Let the Nations be Glad!" by John Piper, "Muslims, Christians, and Jesus" by Carl Medearis).
  3. Listen to the "Missions History" podcast by the International Mission Board: https://www.imb.org/podcasts/missions-history-podcast/
  4. Invest in God's Kingdom financially by supporting a missionary.
  5. Take a Perspectives Course (stay posted for the next local one!)

other sermons in this series

Oct 31


Declare my glory to the nations

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Isaiah 66:18–21, Romans 10:14 Series: Missions at Harvest

Aug 23


Having the mind of Christ in Bible translation

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Philippians 2:5–11 Series: Missions at Harvest

Nov 3


Open your Bible to John 10:14-16

Preacher: Bob B. Scripture: John 10:14–16 Series: Missions at Harvest