August 2, 2015

The Word of Faith we Proclaim

Preacher: Gary S. Series: Romans: The Gospel for God's Glory Scripture: Romans 10:5–13

Romans: The Gospel for God’s glory
Romans 10:5-13
The word of faith we proclaim
Righteousness comes by confessing Jesus as Lord and believing that God raised him

1) Righteousness based on law means attaining life by doing the commandments, 10:5.
How does v.5 connect with 10:1-4? How does Paul use the words of Leviticus 18:5 to describe the righteousness based on law?

2) Righteousness based on faith says “God has sent Christ and raised him from the dead”, 10:6-7.
Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 9:4, “Do not say in your heart … ‘It is because of my righteousness that the LORD has brought me in to possess this land’. And from Deuteronomy 30:11-14. How has he used this text to describe what faith-righteousness is not?

3) The word of faith proclaimed is near to be believed since Christ has come, 10:8.
How does this verse describe the nature of faith-righteousness?

4) If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you will be saved, 10:9.
What does this verse say is the content or focus of the word of faith we proclaim?

5) With the heart you believe and are justified, and with the mouth you confess and are saved, 10:10.
Explain the importance of both heart belief and verbal confessing the word of faith. Example: why do we need to be careful about how we talk about “I know so-and-so is saved because he/she “prayed the prayer”?

6) Isaiah 28:16 says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame,” 10:11.

7) There is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord bestows riches on all who call on him, 10:12.
How do you answer people who criticize Christians for being “narrow-minded” for saying you need to believe specific truth about Jesus to be saved? (The parachute illustration). What are Christ’s riches that he generously bestows?

8) Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved, 10:13.
How does the context for this verse, Joel 2:30-32, add to the significance of this verse? Why does Paul mention EVERYONE or ALL in verses 11-13?

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