Abraham Justified by Faith
Preacher: Gary S. Series: Romans: The Gospel for God's Glory Scripture: Romans 4:1–12
Romans: The Gospel for God’s glory
Romans 4:1-12
Abraham justified by faith
Since Abraham was justified by faith, Jews and Gentiles are justified by faith
1) If Abraham was justified by works, he could boast, but not before God, 4:1-2.
Why does Paul use Abraham as “test case” for not being justified by works before God?
2) The Scripture says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness, 4:3.
Read Genesis 15:1-6. What did Abraham believe God for? How does Paul’s quote of Genesis 15:6 answer the claim that Abraham wasn’t justified by works?
3) To one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as what he is owed, 4:4.
4) To one who trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness, 4:5.
Explain what Paul is contrasting in verses 4 and 5. How can God justify the ungodly?
5) David speaks of the blessing of one who God counts righteous apart from works, 4:6.
Now Paul cites another OT person, David, concerning how God counts people righteous.
6) Blessed is one whose sins are forgiven and God doesn’t count his sins against him, 4:7-8.
Verses 7-8 (quoting Psalm 32:1-2) describes three aspects of what it means for God to count a person righteous apart from works (verse 6). What are they?
7) Abraham’s faith was counted to him for righteousness before he was circumcised, 4:9-10.
8) Abraham was circumcised as a seal of his faith-righteousness while uncircumcised, 4:11a.
What is Paul’s point in 4:9-11a?
9) Abraham is the father of all Gentile believers, so they can be counted righteous, 4:11b.
What is the importance for the Gentiles of Abraham being counted righteous by faith before being circumcised?
10) Abraham is the father of all Jews who walk by the faith he had before he was circumcised, 4:12.
Abraham is the “genetic” father of the Jews, but what does Paul consider more important than their genetic link to Abraham?
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