God's Impartial Judgment
Preacher: Gary S. Series: Romans: The Gospel for God's Glory Scripture: Romans 2:1–16
Romans: The Gospel for God’s glory
Romans 2:1-16
God’s impartial judgment
God judges impartially according to our works not religious privilege
1) The religious person who judges others when he does the same condemns himself, 2:1.
2) God’s judgment rightly falls on those who do wrong, 2:2.
3) If you judge wrongs in others that you do yourself you won’t escape God’s judgment, 2:3.
4) You despise God’s kindness and patience if they don’t lead you to repentance, 2:4.
5) You store up wrath for the day of wrath due to your hardness and unrepentant heart, 2:5.
Summarize what Paul is saying in 2:1-5. What are ways we despise God’s kindness?
6) God will give to each one according to his works, 2:6.
7) God will give eternal life to those who seek immortality by persistence in doing good, 2:7.
8) Wrath will be to the self-seeking who don’t obey the truth but unrighteousness, 2:8.
9) Affliction will be to every person who does evil-to the Jew first and also the Gentile, 2:9.
10) Glory will be to every person who does good-to the Jew first and also the Gentile, 2:10.
11) There is no favoritism with God, 2:11.
Do you think Paul’s point is 2:6-11 is that we would be saved by good works if we had no sin and perfectly obeyed God always, but in reality no one does so no one is saved by his good works? Or do you think his point is that good works (including repentance) are the necessary and inevitable fruit of true saving faith? Explain your view and how it fits in Paul’s overall argument that there is no partiality with God. What is the significance for us?
12) All who sin without law will perish without it; all who sin under the law will be judged by it, 2:12.
13) Hearers of the law are not righteous before God but doers of the law will be justified, 2:13.
14) When Gentiles, who don’t have the law, by nature do the law, they’re a law to themselves, 2:14.
15) Gentiles show God’s law in their hearts as their conscience accuses & excuses them, 2:15.
16) This law-work in the conscience will consummate on the day God judges men’s secrets by Jesus Christ, 2:16.
How does Paul in 2:12-16 support his point that there is no partiality with God? How will God judge those don’t have access to His written word? Are you obeying God’s word?
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