Abraham and Israel
Preacher: Greg G. Series: The Story of the Bible: I will be your God and you shall be my people Scripture: Genesis 12
1) God promises to make a great nation of Abraham , Gen. 12:2, 17:7
2) God promises the land of Canaan to Abraham’s offspring. Gen. 17:8.
3) God promises to bless all nations in Abraham’s offspring. Gen. 22:18.
4) God frees Israel from Egypt through Moses. Ex. 19:4; 20:2 .
5) Israel is to be a holy nation among the nations. Ex. 19:4-6.
6) God gives his law to govern his redeemed people, Ex. 20.
7) God dwells with his people through the tabernacle , Ex. 25:8, then temple, 1 Kings 6.
8) God chooses King David to rule his people, 2 Sam. 7.
other sermons in this series
Oct 5
Sep 28
Sep 21