False worship
Preacher: Greg G. Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people Scripture: Exodus 32:15–35
In the beginning of the sermon, Greg encourages the Harvest family to get into God's Word together. He shared a video from the Read Scripture website. He specifically shared 0:12-3:29, but you can watch the whole video below:
other sermons in this series
Jan 21
We have seen His glory
Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 40:1–38 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people
Jan 14
Changed by the presence of God
Preacher: Matt E. Scripture: Exodus 34:29–35 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people
Jan 7
God's steadfast covenant love
Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 34:1–28 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people