May 28, 2017

Witness, worship and word

Preacher: Frank G. Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people Scripture: Exodus 18:1–27

Freed to be God’s people: a study of Exodus
Witness, worship and word–outline
Exodus 18:1-27
God’s people bear witness to his work of deliverance and leaders teach them God’s word

 1. As word spreads of God’s work of deliverance, God’s people can bear witness to it, 18:1-9.

Jethro had heard of God’s great work of delivering Israel from Egypt, so he brings Moses’ wife and two sons to Moses at the mountain of God (Mt Sinai), to visit Moses. Moses tells his father-in-law everything God did in delivering Israel. What are the works God has done to deliver us through Jesus? So what should the main focus of our witness be? What are reasons we don’t share our faith more? How can we be more ready to share our faith in Christ? Describe Jethro’s response to Moses’ witness to God’s work in v.9.

2. God delivers his people so that all peoples may know that he is great so they might become his worshipers, 18:10-12.

In Exodus 9:16, what did God say was his main purpose for raising up Pharaoh? Jethro’s response reflects God’s desire for the nations. What do the following passages indicate God’s desire & design is for the nations? Genesis 12:2-3; Isaiah 56:6-7; John 4:23-24; Revelation 7:9-10, 15:3-4.

What was the purpose of Jethro eating bread with Aaron and the elders of Israel? How does this prefigure the way those who come to Christ join the community of Christ worshipers?

3. God’s people need a plan for able leaders to share the work of teaching them God’s word, 18:13-27.

How does Moses exhibit humility in his response to Jethro’s questions? What is Moses doing for the people? Why does Jethro say that what Moses is doing is not good? Who do you have in your life that can say, “what are you doing and why are you doing it?” How do you respond?

What does Jethro recommend for Moses to do? What is important about the qualifications Jethro recommends for the leaders? What benefits does Jethro say his plan will accomplish? How does Ephesians 4:11-16 present a way that “the Jethro plan” works in Christ’s church?

other sermons in this series

Jan 21


We have seen His glory

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 40:1–38 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people

Jan 14


Changed by the presence of God

Preacher: Matt E. Scripture: Exodus 34:29–35 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people

Jan 7


God's steadfast covenant love

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 34:1–28 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people