April 9, 2017

The Passover

Preacher: Gary S. Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people Scripture: Exodus 12:1–28

Freed to be God’s people: a study of Exodus
The Passover–outline
Exodus 12:1-28
The Lord provides a substitute sacrifice for his people to spare them from judgment

1) The first month of the year, each family is to kill an unblemished male lamb, 12:1-6.
Why does the month of Israel’s exodus from Egypt become the first month of the year for Israel? In what ways does Jesus fulfill the Passover lamb (John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-20)?

2) They are to put lamb’s blood on their door frames, eat the roasted lamb in haste as the Lord’s Passover, for the Lord will pass over houses with the sign of the blood, when he strikes Egypt’s firstborn, 12:7-13.
What are the reasons for the food God instructs the people of Israel to prepare for the exodus? Why are they to dress the way God instructs them to? Why does God emphasize “it is the Lord’s (Yahweh’s) Passover”? How does God say he is going to judge Egypt? How are the people of Israel to protect themselves from being killed along with the Egyptians?
What is God teaching the people of Israel by the sign of the blood of the lamb (Hebrews 9:22)? Can’t God just forgive us because he loves us without requiring the death of the guilty or else of a substitute? Why or why not? Did God “break his own law for love” to forgive us (1 John 4:10)? Why isn’t it “divine child abuse” for God to pour out his judgment on our sins on his Son (John 10:17-18)?

3) As a memorial to God bringing them out of Egypt, for seven days, they are to eat unleavened bread, and have no leaven in the house, or else be cut off from the congregation of Israel, 12:14-20.
What is the symbolism of the unleavened bread? Why is it so important that they eat only unleavened bread to memorialize their exodus from Egypt? What does it mean that a person who eats unleavened bread will be cut off from Israel? Does the feast of unleavened bread have any relevance for us today (1 Corinthians 5:6-8)?

4) Moses instructs the elders about the Passover and to stay inside until morning while the Lord passes through to strike the Egyptians, 12:21-23.
Why do the Israelites need to stay in their homes until morning? What does their obedience to this command say about their faith? Who is the “destroyer”?

5) The people of Israel worship and obey Moses’ instructions about observing the Passover and explaining it to their children, 12:24-28.
What is important about observing the Passover? How does the Lord’s Supper (the communion meal) fulfill the Passover meal and its purpose (Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 11:26)? What is the danger of taking the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:27-30)? The people worshiped when Moses presented the Passover instructions. How can we cultivate a heart of worship for what the Lord’s Supper represents (Romans 5:8-11; Revelation 5:8-9, 12)?

other sermons in this series

Jan 21


We have seen His glory

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 40:1–38 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people

Jan 14


Changed by the presence of God

Preacher: Matt E. Scripture: Exodus 34:29–35 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people

Jan 7


God's steadfast covenant love

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 34:1–28 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people