April 2, 2017

Judgments on the oppressor, part 2

Preacher: Matt E. Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people Scripture: Exodus 9:13– 11:10

Freed to be God’s people: a study of Exodus
Judgments on the oppressor, part 2– outline
Exodus 9:13-11:10
The Lord exalts himself in all the earth by judging his enemies as he saves his people

1) Seventh plague: Hail, 9:13-35.
Comment on the devastation of this plague. The Lord has stated several times what his purpose is in bringing these plagues on Egypt. 9:14-16 is the fullest statement of this purpose yet. Describe God’s purpose in the plagues. God gives a warning to shelter the servants and animals, 9:19. What do we see happening among Pharaoh’s servants in 9:20-21? What can we learn about true versus false repentance from 9:27-30 and 9:34-35? How is this passage a foretaste of Revelation 16:17-21?

2) Eighth plague: Locusts, 10:1-20.
What more do we learn about God’s purpose in the plagues from 10:1-2? What further impact have Moses and the plagues had on Pharaoh’s servants (10:7)? What kind of deal does Pharaoh try to make with Moses and what does it expose about his heart (10:8-11)? What are the destructive aspects of this plague? Describe Pharaoh’s “repentance” (10:16-20). What warning can we take from Pharaoh’s repeated patterns of refusing to repent/false repentance and God hardening his heart, 10:1, 20? How does this passage anticipate the judgment of Revelation 9:3-5?

3) Ninth plague: Darkness, 10:21-29.
Darkness over the land of Egypt was a definite insult to their sun god Re. Also, just as other judgments have involved acts of “de-creation” (reversals of Genesis 1 created elements), so is this darkness – a reversal of God’s first act of ordering/removing chaos in his creation – Genesis 1:2-4). Creation is at God’s command both to deliver his people and to destroy his enemies. How does Moses prefigure Jesus in these acts of power over creation? How does God’s judgment of darkness on Egypt prefigure the darkness that came over the land as Jesus bore our judgment on the cross (Matthew 27:51; Luke 23:44)? How does God’s salvation of Israel through bringing judgment on his enemies prefigure our salvation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21)?
What is Pharaoh’s bargaining angle on letting them go this time? How does Pharaoh’s reaction to Moses reveal that his offer wasn’t sincere? How does this passage compare to what happens in Revelation 16:10-11?

4) Tenth and final plague threatened: 11:1-10.
It is evident that what Moses says to Pharaoh in 11:4-8 was spoken before he left Pharaoh after what he said in 10:29. (Maybe he was on his way out when the Lord gave him the message in 11:1-2). How was the Lord preparing the people of Egypt and Israel for the exodus (11:1-3)? Considering what Egypt had done to Israel’s baby boys (1:15-22), and in oppressing and enslaving Israel (4:22-23), why is the Lord putting all the firstborn of Egypt to death? How will Pharaoh know the Lord makes a distinction between Israel and Egypt (11:7)? Why does Moses leave Pharaoh in hot anger? Again, why won’t Pharaoh listen to Moses (11:9-10)? If our hearts don’t harden like Pharaoh’s, what is the reason? Romans 9:15-18.

other sermons in this series

Jan 21


We have seen His glory

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 40:1–38 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people

Jan 14


Changed by the presence of God

Preacher: Matt E. Scripture: Exodus 34:29–35 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people

Jan 7


God's steadfast covenant love

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: Exodus 34:1–28 Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people