God promises deliverance
Preacher: Gary S. Series: Exodus: freed to be God's people Scripture: Exodus 6:1–30
Freed to be God’s people: a study of Exodus
God promises deliverance – outline
Exodus 6:1-30
Overcome doubts and disappointment by trusting in gospel promises
God reaffirms he will deliver Israel from Egypt and bring them into the land he promised to Abraham, 6:1-9.
What does God say in v.1 about his sovereignty over the timing of God’s defeat of Pharaoh? In v.2, why does God say to Moses “I am the Lord (Yahweh)”? In v.3, what does God mean by saying he didn’t make himself known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by his name “Lord” (Yahweh), even though it seems that they were aware of that name? In v.5, what does God mean when he says “I have remembered my covenant.”
In v.6, God again says “I am Yahweh,” and he ends what he is saying about his identity as Yahweh in v.8, by once more saying “I am Yahweh.” So from vss.6-8, what is God saying about his identity as Yahweh? How is this fulfilled in Jesus (whose name means “Yahweh saves”)? How does Revelation 21:1-4 fulfill God’s promises in Exodus 6:4-8?
What does v.9 say is the reason the people of Israel won’t listen to Moses? God’s promise to deliver his people from slavery (to the world system and/or sin) into his promise of life with him is a “gospel promise.” How has Jesus fulfilled this for us?
Moses questions whether Pharaoh will listen to him but God charges him to bring Israel out of Egypt, 6:10-13.
What reason does Moses give to God for doubting that Pharaoh will listen to him? how does God respond? What are ways we think our personal weaknesses keep us from serving the Lord? do 1 Corinthians 1:25-29 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 say about whether “weak” people have a place in serving Jesus?
Moses and Aaron’s genealogy confirms they are legitimate deliverer-leaders of Israel, 6:14-27.
Why might the people of Israel doubt whether Moses and Aaron are God’s appointed leaders for Israel? Why do they need to be from the tribe of Levi?
Moses and Aaron didn’t appoint themselves to this work. It was God’s sovereign call, and his choosing the line of Levi, through Amram. It was through Moses and Aaron that God delivered the people of Israel, creating a new people of his own, a holy nation. What genealogical qualifications did the greater Moses, Jesus, need to be our deliverer from spiritual slavery, to free us to be God’s new people?
God reaffirms that Moses is to tell Pharaoh all that God says to him, despite his speech weakness, 6:28-30.
What isn’t Moses understanding that results in his being stuck on his weakness? The point of this chapter has been that we fight doubts and disappointment by trusting in gospel promises. These are the Scriptures that tell what God has provided for our deliverance into the blessings of God’s people. For example, describe the ways Romans 8:31-32 is a gospel promise.
other sermons in this series
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We have seen His glory
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Jan 14
Changed by the presence of God
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God's steadfast covenant love
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