December 25, 2016

The Promised Son

Preacher: Gary S. Series: The Promised Son Topic: Christmas Scripture: Luke 1:26–38, Luke 2:1–21

The promised Son
The promised Son, Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-21– outline
God’s promised Son, the Savior, Christ, the Lord was born to provide peace with God

We have spent the last three Sundays examining the major promises God made in history that he fulfilled to bring about his promise of Christmas. In the broad sweep of God’s unfolding plan that led up to Christmas, God promised a deliverer, a people, and a king.
Where is God’s promised deliverer? How will God’s people, the offspring of Abraham be a blessing to all the nations? Where is the son of David, the promised king who will defeat the enemies of God’s people, and rule over a glorious perfected kingdom?
What things stand out to you in Luke 1:26–30 and why are they significant?

In Luke 1:31-33, what is amazing about what Gabriel says about the son Mary will conceive? How does what the angel shares about Mary’s son fulfill God’s promises to fulfill his plan of redemption?

It’s clear that Mary understood the angel to mean that she would conceive as a virgin. In Luke 1:34-35, describe the angel’s answer to her question.

In Luke 1:36–38, what is hopeful about Gabriel’s comment about God? what do you think of Mary’s response? What can we learn from her response?

In 1:54-55, Mary speaks as if God has already fulfilled his promise to Abraham, even though Jesus has just been conceived in her womb. What does this say about her faith?

In Luke 2:1-5, why is it important that Luke mentions historical details? In 2:6-7, Luke gives very few details about Jesus’ birth. What do you think God’s purpose was in such a humble setting and limited description of Jesus’ birth?

In Luke 2:8, why did God give the Messiah’s birth announcement to shepherds? Explain the good news (same word as “gospel”) that the angel brings to the shepherds in 2:9-12. Why is it so amazing that the sign by which they are to identify this baby is that he will be in an animal’s feeding trough?

In 2:13-14, the “heavenly host (army) say, “glory to God in the highest” (meaning all heaven is praising God). As for earth, they proclaim peace with God for those with whom he is pleased, or peace to those on whom his favor rests.” How does the “peace child” story help illustrate how we may have peace with God? What does Colossians 1:20 say about the high cost of peace with God?

From, Luke 2:15-17, what can we learn from the shepherds about trusting and telling of what God reveals in his word? From 2:18-19, how can we treasure and ponder what we learn about Jesus?

The shepherds model for us true faith in Christ, 2:20. True faith in Christ not only intellectually believes he is SAVIOR MESSIAH LORD in spite of his humble first coming and the scandal of his death. True faith in Christ expresses itself in glorifying and praising God. Do you agree that this is true and if so, why? What is so wise and good about the humble way God sent the promised Son, the Deliverer, Abraham’s offspring, who will return to rule as David’s offspring forever?

other sermons in this series

Dec 18


The promise of a king

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1–17 Series: The Promised Son

Dec 11


The promise of a people

Preacher: Gary S. Scripture: Genesis 12:1–3 Series: The Promised Son

Dec 4


The promise of a deliverer

Preacher: Gary S. Scripture: Genesis 3:1–24 Series: The Promised Son