December 4, 2016

The promise of a deliverer

Preacher: Gary S. Series: The Promised Son Topic: Christmas Scripture: Genesis 3:1–24

The promised son
The promise of a deliverer, Genesis 3 – outline
God promised a deliverer would give man victory over the evil one

1) What do we learn about God’s original creation of people from Genesis 1:26-28, 31?

2) What task did God assign to the man in Eden (Gen. 2:15)?

3) Explain God’s command and its consequences in 2:16-17.

4) Gen. 2:24. In the context of Genesis, what is the significance of the fact that the first husband and wife were naked and not ashamed?

5) What is the “Serpentine perspective” that the snake is leading the woman to embrace (3:1-5)? What does 3:7 mean for the man and woman and how does it relate their “knowing good and evil” (3:5)? Describe the dynamics of the fallen couple’s reaction to God and his questioning of them in 3:8-13.

6) In 3:14, what is the significance of God’s cursing of the snake? What does the snake’s moving on his belly and eating the dust symbolize?
In 3:15, what does it mean that God is putting enmity between the woman and the snake, and his offspring and her offspring? In what way is that a good thing?

7) In the last part of 3:15, God focuses on one of the offspring of the woman who shall bruise the snake’s head, while the snake will bruise his heel. Who is this offspring of the woman (Matt. 1:23; Gal. 3:16)? Who is the snake (Rev. 12:9-11)? How is the snake defeated (Rev.12:11)? What is the ultimate defeat of the snake (Rev.20:2, 10)?

8) 3:16. How are the woman’s areas of highest fulfillment and significance for carrying out God’s mandate to be fruitful and multiply impacted by the fall?

9) 3:17-19. How are the man’s areas of highest fulfillment and significance for carrying out God’s mandate to be fruitful and multiply impacted by the fall?

10) 3:20-21. What is the significance of the man naming his wife Eve (= “Life”)? What is the significance of God making designer label clothing for them?

11) 3:22-24. Man failed to keep/guard the garden. Now man is kept/guarded from entering the garden. Why is it merciful, even though it is also in judgment, for God to keep them from eating of the tree of life?

God’s first installment on his plan of redemption was the promise of a deliverer. He would be a human offspring, because humanity needed to get the victory over the results of yielding to the snake’s deception. But since all human offspring would now be infected with sin and deserve the death penalty, could the deliverer be merely human? What did the deliverer need to be? John 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:21.

other sermons in this series

Dec 25


The Promised Son

Preacher: Gary S. Scripture: Luke 1:26–38, Luke 2:1–21 Series: The Promised Son

Dec 18


The promise of a king

Preacher: Greg G. Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1–17 Series: The Promised Son

Dec 11


The promise of a people

Preacher: Gary S. Scripture: Genesis 12:1–3 Series: The Promised Son