September 7, 2014

Creation and Fall

Preacher: Gary S. Series: The Story of the Bible: I will be your God and you shall be my people Scripture: Genesis 1:1–11:32

1) Man is with God in Eden, Genesis 1:26-30; 2:8.
Gen. 1:27
Gen. 2:8

2) God rules man for his good by God’s word, Genesis 2:15-17.
Gen. 2:15-17
Gen. 1:28

3) Man rejects God’s rule, deciding good and evil for themselves, Genesis 3:6-7.
Gen. 3:6-7

4) Humanity is alienated from God, and corruption and death spreads, Gen. 3:8-19; 5-9.
Gen. 3:8
Gen. 3:15
Gen. 6:5-6

5) Humanity is expelled from Eden, Gen. 3:23-24.
Gen. 3:22-24

6) In pride, humanity rejects God’s commission to fill the earth so He scatters them, Gen. 11:1-9.
Gen. 11:4
Gen. 11:6-9