September 8, 2013

No Other Gospel

Preacher: Gary S. Series: Study in Galatians Topic: Gospel for Life Scripture: Galatians 1:1–1:11

Gospel for Life: A Study in Galatians

No other Gospel

Galatians 1:1-10

To distort the gospel is to turn from God and deserves His wrath


1) Paul was an apostle not by man but by Jesus and the Father who resurrected Him, 1:1-2.

2) Gospel grace and resulting peace are from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 1:3.

3) Christ gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from this present evil age by God’s will, 1:4.

“The Gospel is the news that Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over all his enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who believe, but only everlasting joy.” John Piper.

4) God deserves the glory forever for His will to deliver us by His grace through Christ, 1:5.

5) It is amazing that some turn from God who calls in Christ’s grace to a different gospel, 1:6.

6) There is no other gospel but there are those who distort the gospel of Christ, 1:7.

7) Those who preach any gospel but the apostolic gospel deserve God’s eternal wrath, 1:8-9.

8) If we distort the gospel to please people we cannot be servants of Christ, 1:10.

other sermons in this series

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Gospel- Cross to New Creation

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Nov 24


Gospel Service to Others

Preacher: Gary S. Scripture: Galatians 6:1–6:10 Series: Study in Galatians

Nov 17


Gospel Living by the Spirit

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