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Messages from April 2018

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April 29, 2018

The Savior of the World

Speaker: Greg G. Series: Jesus Christ, the Son of God: a study in the Gospel of John Scripture: John 4:27–42

April 22, 2018

True Worship

Speaker: Gary Series: Jesus Christ, the Son of God: a study in the Gospel of John Scripture: John 4:16–26

April 15, 2018

A Samaritan woman

Speaker: Greg G. Series: Jesus Christ, the Son of God: a study in the Gospel of John Scripture: John 4:1–15

April 8, 2018

He must increase

Speaker: Greg G. Series: Jesus Christ, the Son of God: a study in the Gospel of John Scripture: John 3:22–36

April 1, 2018

Why do you seek the living among the dead?

Speaker: Greg G. Series: Easter Sunday 2018 Topic: Easter Scripture: Luke 24:1–12