Harvest's Mission Values
The following six values serve as a vision and filter through which we think about our mission involvement both locally and globally.
- Intentional efforts to reach and plant churches with unreached/unengaged peoples.
- Gospel proclamation and works of mercy and compassion in Jesus’ name.
- Prioritize relationships/be relationship-based.
- Establish a culture of Mission at Harvest.
- Long-term commitment and investment, seeking to equip and empower indigenous leadership.
- We will approach our Camas/Washougal/East Vancouver/Portland “neighborhood” with the same missional intentionality as we should cross-culturally.
Harvest Community Church is involved with the following local ministries and global missions. If you are interested in serving with and/or supporting these groups see the contact information provided or contact the office at office@harvestcc.info
East Clark County Young Life
Young Life is an organization that aims to introduce middle school and high school students to Jesus by first building relationships with them, entering into their world, having a blast, and "earning the right to be heard". Young Life aims to reach students who may never set foot in a church or kids who are considered "farthest out kids" to show them who Jesus is and that He loves and cares for them no matter what circumstances they face or decisions they make. In addition to financial support, there are many past and present leaders and committee members who are regular attendees at Harvest. We aim to encourage, support, and partner with those who are involved in this ministry. If you want to learn more about what Young Life is or how you can get involved, click here.
Pathways Pregnancy Clinic of Camas/Washougal
Pathways is a pregnancy and family resource center that empowers women and men to make life-affirming choices. They provide free resources for women and their families who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy or difficult situation. They aim to care for the mothers and their families, as well as their babies. Visit www.pathways180-partners.com for more info and recent newsletters.
Teen Reach Adventure Camp
T.R.A.C. is an organization that serves local youth in the foster care system. T.R.A.C. camp is a 3-day camp where those kids can be themselves and let down walls as they eat, play, and hear the gospel together. Several people in the body at Harvest have been main mobilizers of starting up T.R.A.C. Camas! Harvest prayerfully and financially supports this ministry, and many people have given up countless hours volunteering to help hurting kids discover the light and life Christ offers. Click on the link to learn more!
Certain ministries and individuals are not listed because it benefits them to remain anonymous; we continue to financially support and pray for them.
Check out this brief and helpful article on how we can best encourage our missionaries. These are helpful things to think about and begin making doing as we grow our relationships with our current missionaries and send more in the future!