
What is Advent?

Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means "coming". During the Advent season (the four weeks leading up to Christmas), we celebrate two "comings".

One thing we do during Advent is celebrate the first coming of Jesus into the world. We look back at the incarnation; we marvel at God's plan to save us and bring him glory. 

The second thing we do at Advent is to look forward to Christ's return: he has said he is coming back to gather his people and we await that day with eager expectation.

The Advent celebration is both a commemoration of the first coming of Christ and anticipation of his second coming. Just as Israel longed for the Messiah to come, so today, Christians long for our Savior King to come again. 

Does the coming of Jesus into the world change everything for you? 

Do you long for Jesus to return?

It would be tragic if we approached Christmas and missed the good news of Jesus coming into the world who is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

How do we celebrate Advent?

It's not a secret that as God's people who are set apart for the purpose of glorifying God, we battle the tensions of Christmastime. It's a beautiful and joyful season that serves as a reminder to celebrate the coming of our Savior and the anticipation of his return. But there is also a pull from the culture constantly swirling around us toward consumerism and distractions. This is as true for adults as it is for children. 

We have so much to be joyful for in Christ. Our joy in him far supersedes the animated, counterfeit joy fabricated by the world's version of Christmastime. So then, how do we celebrate Advent and keep our hearts and minds fixed on Jesus?

Collectively as a church body, we often set aside our Sunday gatherings in the weeks approaching Christmas to give specific attention to Advent.

In addition, we want to provide individuals and families alike with biblical resources to daily set before us the majesty and mystery of God reconciling sinful people to himself. See the list below for our recommendations:


"Songs for Advent" playlist:


Click on the title or image for a link to purchase and more information.

Advent Calendars:

Advent blocks

Advent Blocks

Good news of great Joy

Good News of Great Joy Advent Calendar

Names of Jesus.JPG

Names of Jesus Advent cards


Advent Devotionals:

Jesse Tree.JPG

The Jesse Tree

Come let us adore him

Come Let Us Adore Him

by Paul David Tripp

(includes questions for kids)

the dawning of indestructible Joy

The Dawning of Indestructible Joy

by John Piper

Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

by Nancy Guthrie



by Tim Chester

 she reads truth advent 2023

She Reads Truth/He Reads Truth/Kids Read Truth

Advent Keller

Hidden Christmas

by Timothy Keller

Advent Kruger

The Weary World Rejoices

Various Authors

Advent SRT2022

Joy of Every Longing Heart: Advent 2022

by She Reads Truth


This is certainly not a complete list! There are many wonderful resources out there. To read an article with more good ideas from Melissa Kruger, click here!

Melissa's recommendations.JPG